Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tagged (again)!

Wooohoo! A break from work! Internet’s down, so I finally found time to compose an entry for mineistheearth. There’s plenty to say after more than a week’s absence online, so this is the perfect time to say them. Besides, my boss can’t blame me. I HAVE to do something while I’m here in his office, don’t I?

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1) Pointless Drivel
2) Shelli’s Sentiments
3) Curiosity Killer
4) Chrissy
5) Kim

Next select five people to tag: (if you haven’t done it already)
1) Winky
2) Raymond
3) Leigh
4) Ganns
5) Idjea

What were you doing 10 years ago?

I was about to start my freshman year at the Ateneo de Manila University. Come June 1997, I learned how to struggle graciously with a couple of subjects: Filipino 1 and PE (Fitness Walking)! I was never good at physical activities, but at least the gym workouts now are helping me compensate.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
I was starting my new job. :-)

Five snacks you enjoy
1) Nagaraya regular or adobo-flavoured crunchy peanuts
2) Canned peaches in syrup
3) Chocolate wafers
4) Ham with mayo on wheat bread and a glass of milk
5) Oreos and a glass of milk

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1) Smooth (Santana feat. Rob Thomas)
2) Love Moves in Mysterious Ways (Julia Fordham)
3) Again (Janet Jackson)
4) Sana Maulit Muli (Gary Valenciano)
5) You Oughta Know (Alanis Morissette)
Note: I've memorised other songs, but these are the top five that I feel I can blog about without blushing.

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1) Spruce up my folks’ home in Quezon City and purchase the title to my family’s ancestral home in Paco, Manila

2) Upgrade and buy up everything on my list of “I Wants

3) Go on a trip around the world with someone special

4) Put up my own business – preferably something related to food and/or clothes

5) After accomplishing items 1-4, I’d start a pension fund, which would be, at most, 20% of my remaining net worth, and then I'd contribute the rest to charities that would benefit Filipino street children.

Five bad habits:
1) I smoke.
2) I crave for chocolate way too much.
3) I blog at work, something I really shouldn’t be doing.
4) I gossip. Kindly. :-)
5) I drink coffee as if it’s water.

Five things you like doing:
1) Travelling
2) Writing – hence, the blog. D'oh!
3) Reading Nora Roberts novels – my guilty pleasure
4) Singing in the shower
5) Having Wednesday or Friday night drinks with my Maddoggers!

Five things you would never wear again:
1) Anything with a floral pattern printed on it – these clothing items should be banned from the face of the earth, forever!

2) Butterfly clips to tie back my hair. They are soooooo ten years ago, man.

3) Fitted pants. My thighs have already revolted and won against these things.

4) Stockings without garter clips holding them up on my legs during a job interview - I did this only once in my life, when I had an interview for an internship position at J. Walter Thompson (one of the world’s largest ad agencies). The stockings started rolling down my legs as I descended a staircase, on my way down to the ladies’ powder room to re-touch my make-up. Due to highly strung nerves, I accidentally ripped the bloody hose as I pulled them up. I had to go bare-legged during the interview. It was just my luck that I forgot to shave my legs that day, too. *sigh*

5) Runny mascara during a job interview – After I took off the torn hose (please see #4), I was already sweating cats and dogs inside the very hot restroom. I checked myself in the mirror and simultaneously wiped dripping sweat off of my brow. Horrifyingly, a straight black line appeared from one end of my right brow to the other end of left brow, as soon as I put my hand down from my face.
Note: I still got the job at J. Walter Thompson, despite items 4-5.

Five favorite toys:
1) My PDA
2) My car
3) My office laptop – which I bring home to watch DVD’s on
4) My gym’s ab machine
5) My sister’s mobile phone, since mine sucks.


Heidi said...


that sounds a hilarious job interview.

I wouldn't be so hasty with the floral prints -- check out some Marc Jacob stuff, girlfriend. It doesn't have to be old English lady tacky... but good point -- pretty 99% of them should be burnt. And the women wearing them should get a reality pill.

Unknown said...

WOW! Great answers! I'm so glad you did this meme! :)

Okay, I've got a few things to say:

1)I LOVE Nagaraya regular or adobo-flavoured crunchy peanuts too! Too bad I can't get them on the island! In a way, maybe that's a good thing! LOL!

2) YAY for the Alanis song! I love her...and not because she's Canadian! LOL!

3) *gasp* I didn't know you smoked! ;)

Judging from the answers you gave, I'd have to say that you sound like an uber cool chiquita, Kim!

kim said...

Hi CK!

Please don't get me wrong. I love (most of) Marc Jacobs' work. But, also check out the women who wear the said floral prints. STICK-THIN women with SMALL BOOBS. Qualities that I ain't got. Hence, I still say, burn those flowery blouses and pants (on skirts, I would grudgingly admit, they may look kinda cute). Burn them!!! ;)

kim said...

Heya Chrissy!

1) Thank gawd, on your knees, that Nagarayas are non-existent on Manitoulin. They're absolute killers... Of course, I'm typing this while I munch on the said nuts. So, I'll simultaneously kneel down and pray (later) thanking him for those people who sell them here in Manila.

2) Sniff, sniff. Dontcha miss the old male-bashing, nut-cracking, blisteringly-angry Alanis? I'm not one to place blame on anyone - but darn that southern Asian country for influencing Alanis and making her such a yoga-softie-at-heart now. I miss her. Avril (Alanis' supposed successor) just doesn't reach that part of my heart that Alanis used to do. Sniff, sniff.

3) *gasp* Yes, I smoke. Not that I'm proud of it, though. But, I gotta have an outlet whenever hell-weeks (like the one I went thru last week) hit unexpectedly, don't I?