Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ten Weird Facts About Kim.

Thanks for tagging me, Conne! This kept me from drooling over my laptop at work today. Mega bored, man.

  1. I can drive any type of commercial vehicle (even prefer stick shifts over automatic transmissions) and manoeuvre a yacht. I’m fairly confident that I can fly a plane, which is why I’m already searching for good flight schools. But - I do not know how to ride a bicycle.
  2. I own over 80 bags. I only have about 15 pairs of shoes.
  3. I abhor soft drinks.
  4. I can speak fluent Chinese (Fookien, to be more exact) but cannot write in that language.
  5. Similar to the fact that I need three alarm clocks before I feel compelled to get out of bed, I need (on average) three cups of very very black coffee (no sugar, no cream) every morning before my brain can function normally.
  6. I use my right hand to write and to hold chopsticks, but I use my left hand in just about every other one-handed type of activity – playing badminton/tennis, texting on a mobile phone, carrying a bag, holding a cue stick, using a calculator, etc.
  7. I recently bought a trendy-looking black trench coat to wear in the office. It’s 38 degrees Celsius outside.
  8. I’m allergic to Maybelline lipsticks.
  9. Like Chrissy, I’m also allergic to certain types of metals that are being commercially used to make earrings. Also, apparently, my ears prefer earrings made of gold. Too bad, gold earrings are so not in fashion now. Hence, I let my ears suffer.
  10. I can only passionately play one piano piece from memory: Beethoven’s “Für Elise.” The first part only. I don’t know how to play how to play the second part.


Unknown said...

Wow! Kim, you are just too cool, girlfriend! ;) You are smart, funny, and you have a wonderful writing style.

I love #1! You had me laughing there! Imagine being able to operate any kind of vehicle but not know how to ride a bicycle? For some reason that sort of makes sense though. I can actually see how that might be possible. Hmmm.

kim said...

Hiya Chrissy!

Oh, believe me... it's absolutely possible! You see, one doesn't need to worry about keeping a four-wheeled vehicle, a flat-bottomed boat, or a winged plane in BALANCE while manoeuvring it. You just start the engine, and whooosh, you're off! Bikes are another thing altogether.

There was a time that one of my crushes invited me for a quiet bike ride within our subdivision. He wondered why I wasn't riding the bike he brought me (he rode while I walked holding the bike beside me), but I only told him that my foot had a problem and cannot handle the pedaling motion required on a bike... He never called me back - so, I guess he didn't believe my l'il white lie. *Sigh*

Heidi said...

Interesting stuff!!! Wow. It's funny how you can drive anything but a bike... allergic to maybelline lipsticks!

If you want, I can teach you how to play Für Elise... one day.

Heidi said...

BTW, I love that collage that you have.

kim said...

I'd love to learn that second part of Fur Elise. Too bad you're leaving HK soon already. I'm just about to go there! :-(

And, really, you like the collage? I thought it looked kinda kindergarten-ish (Photoshop's still a mystery to me). Thanks for the compliment - you, whose website boggles my mind every time I see it!

Simple American said...

Neat to learn these things about ya. I like stick shifts, but my missus cannot get the hang of it. So I only buy automatics any more. And coffee. If I don't drink coffee on my drive I will pass out on the road. :)